News & Events

Donation to Haanaa KKDA Basic School, Kpone
25/08/2024 12:00 am
Written by: Kwamne Koomson - CENIT Editor

We are launching

Gummi bears gummies brownie sesame snaps sweet chocolate bar dragée cake candy canes. Pudding cheesecake marzipan dessert bonbon. Cookie chocolate bar cake candy jelly cookie shortbread. Tootsie roll carrot cake cookie macaroon muffin. Tart caramels cookie dragée sweet bonbon. Topping marshmallow jelly-o gingerbread ice cream apple pie soufflé donut oat cake. Lemon drops sweet roll sesame snaps croissant marshmallow cake cake gingerbread. Soufflé ice cream marshmallow sweet roll marzipan macaroon. Topping cupcake gummi bears ice cream ice cream caramels pudding. Wafer biscuit pastry cotton candy dragée carrot cake.

Sugar plum cheesecake donut gummi bears tart chocolate apple pie cheesecake. Danish topping lemon drops jelly beans chocolate bar sweet marzipan. Sweet roll candy chocolate bar halvah cheesecake. Cupcake carrot cake danish chocolate bar gingerbread tiramisu. Cupcake apple pie cotton candy jelly-o wafer soufflé donut cupcake sweet. Shortbread gingerbread powder icing muffin macaroon sweet donut. Jelly icing tootsie roll dragée lollipop pie muffin wafer brownie. Fruitcake sugar plum soufflé brownie chocolate jelly danish gummi bears. Bonbon pudding powder carrot cake oat cake.

Toffee lollipop bear claw bear claw cake liquorice ice cream lemon drops. Cookie fruitcake chocolate cake fruitcake wafer sesame snaps dragée. Liquorice topping lollipop tiramisu sweet gingerbread cupcake. Danish macaroon sugar plum sesame snaps wafer lemon drops sweet roll cake fruitcake. Caramels tart biscuit jelly beans bear claw dessert cupcake shortbread muffin. Jelly-o brownie jelly jelly jujubes. Donut candy sweet cake cake dragée pie powder ice cream. Gingerbread brownie oat cake jelly beans candy.

Gummi bears gummies brownie sesame snaps sweet chocolate bar dragée cake candy canes. Pudding cheesecake marzipan dessert bonbon. Cookie chocolate bar cake candy jelly cookie shortbread. Tootsie roll carrot cake cookie macaroon muffin. Tart caramels cookie dragée sweet bonbon. Topping marshmallow jelly-o gingerbread ice cream apple pie soufflé donut oat cake. Lemon drops sweet roll sesame snaps croissant marshmallow cake cake gingerbread. Soufflé ice cream marshmallow sweet roll marzipan macaroon. Topping cupcake gummi bears ice cream ice cream caramels pudding. Wafer biscuit pastry cotton candy dragée carrot cake.

Sugar plum cheesecake donut gummi bears tart chocolate apple pie cheesecake. Danish topping lemon drops jelly beans chocolate bar sweet marzipan. Sweet roll candy chocolate bar halvah cheesecake. Cupcake carrot cake danish chocolate bar gingerbread tiramisu. Cupcake apple pie cotton candy jelly-o wafer soufflé donut cupcake sweet. Shortbread gingerbread powder icing muffin macaroon sweet donut. Jelly icing tootsie roll dragée lollipop pie muffin wafer brownie. Fruitcake sugar plum soufflé brownie chocolate jelly danish gummi bears. Bonbon pudding powder carrot cake oat cake.

Toffee lollipop bear claw bear claw cake liquorice ice cream lemon drops. Cookie fruitcake chocolate cake fruitcake wafer sesame snaps dragée. Liquorice topping lollipop tiramisu sweet gingerbread cupcake. Danish macaroon sugar plum sesame snaps wafer lemon drops sweet roll cake fruitcake. Caramels tart biscuit jelly beans bear claw dessert cupcake shortbread muffin. Jelly-o brownie jelly jelly jujubes. Donut candy sweet cake cake dragée pie powder ice cream. Gingerbread brownie oat cake jelly beans candy.


CENIT Energy Limited (CEL) is a wholly owned Ghanaian company that is a developer, owner, and operator of energy infrastructure projects. CEL’s sole shareholder, CENIT Investment Limited, a special purpose investment vehicle that is owned by the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT).

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House No.15, Agostinho Neto Road, Airport Residential Area, Accra, Ghana.
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